How to write the biography of a tsar?

Tsars are not ordinary people, that's why their biographies have some special features. We usually write biographies of celebrities on the following plan:

  1. Why he/she is famous.
  2. Dates and birthplace.
  3. Education.
  4. Career.
  5. Achievements.
  6. Personality.

While writing the biography of a tsar we don't need all of these points. And some of them need correction.

I think it isn't necessary to start the tsar's biography from the point "why he is famous". All tsars are famous. They can have good reputation or ill fame. But you don't need to explain why the tsar is famous. He is famous because he is the tsar! So you start the biography with the point "Dates and birthplace".

The phrases:

The next point - education. Tsars usually get well-rounded education. You can also write about the person or persons who taught the future monarch.

The phrases:

In the point "career" we can write when the tsar started to reign. If any events were connected with his or her accession to the throne you should tell about it.

What achievements can a tsar have?

The phrases:

or you can use the Passive Voice

The death of the tsar

Tsars usually finish their careers on their deathbeds. So, you should complete the tsar's biography with the information about his death.

The phrases

You also can write about the personality of the tsar, his strong and weak points, his character and behavior.

The phrases

If you need more vocabulary, use the dictionary